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Cookies and Privacy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small bits of code installed on a user’s browser during a visit to a website in order to “remember,” information, such as email addresses and login information. Because that information is readily available the next time a user visits the site or logs in, it helps the site load faster and provides a smoother experience for the user.
Cookies can carry out a number of essential functions, but many users find them intrusive and want to disable them. Browsers like Chrome and Firefox offer options under Privacy settings for showing what kinds of cookies have been set and for clearing them from the browsing history – or for refusing to accept cookies at all. When selecting this option, users are warned that getting rid of cookies can affect how a site performs and that not all of its features may be available. That can also mean that since data isn’t being saved, users must enter their required information every time they visit the site. Still, for users concerned about online privacy, disabling cookies can be a way to protect sensitive data.

Does WordPress use Cookies?

Yes. This website was created using the free WordPress software. By default, the WordPress source code is designed to generate cookies for two reasons: to save users’ login credentials for future visits, and to store identifying information when users leave comments. These two cookie functions are built into the source code, so they are a part of every WordPress site, although both of them may not be activated. For example, the commenting function is disabled on some sites, so as a result, that particular cookie isn’t needed. The default WordPress cookies can help the site load faster and make it easier for returning website visitors to log in.

About this site, its use of Cookies and your Privacy.

In our case you’re not required to login and comments can’t be left so no cookies are used for those purposes. If, however, you’re a Riley Club of SA Member and use the password to access the “Information for Members” page a cookie is used so that next time you want to access that page you’re not required to enter the password again. In addition, having been asked the question about cookies, if you allow them, the site “remembers” you and you won’t be asked that question again.

Entering the password for the “Information for Members” page over-rides the “deny” answer in relation to cookies because it’s assumed that, as a bona fide member, you want to maximise the ease of entry to the restricted page and there is no mal- intent associated with that cookie. If you’d rather not have the cookie and you’d like to enter the password every time, all you need to do is turn them off in your browser.

Notwithstanding all of the above, no personal information about you is sought or used.